Proven Solutions That Can Help With Secondary Infertility!

For women struggling with infertility, primary or secondary, there are solutions to help. Primary infertility can arise in women who can't conceive after trying for a year without using protection, or after six months if she is over 35 years of age. Secondary infertility happens to women who have already had one or more child but for whatever reason can't... read more »

The Magic That Happens When a Sperm Meets an Egg and the Sparks Fly

If you are on a fertility journey to start or expand your family, you know how special it is when conception takes place. Did you know... -There are about 40 million to 1.2 billion sperm cells released with every ejaculation, yet only around 2 million of these persistent swimmers actually reach the cervix. According to -For the 2 million... read more »

When Should You Seek Infertility Treatment?

You have wanted a baby for a long time, and it seems as if no matter what you do, nothing works. It can be a frustrating and heartbreaking experience. You feel that empty space in your life, you wonder what else you can do, and maybe you are asking yourself if it is time to seek treatment from a professional.... read more »