Journey to Motherhood

by Kirsten McLennan “Would you like to hold him?” These were the words we had been aching to hear for years. On July 5th at 11:49A.M., our beautiful son Spencer was born. It had been a long journey. And like most things worth fighting for, it had been a hard one. Ryan and I married in 2011 and always wanted... read more »

Sisters Through Motherhood

by Leigha Harris A 2 a.m. Skype call, followed by a comment to my husband, "This is going to be hard, but I know we are meant to do it". I could feel this would take us on a journey like no other we had been through together. At the time I had no idea how right I was. You... read more »

PCOS Awareness: Get the Help You Need for This Serious Medical Condition

For women living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) life can be challenging. A common medical condition, it can run in your family line and involves an imbalance in your hormones that affects your metabolism and reproductive system. Close to 7 million women around the United States have issues with PCOS. It is responsible for being the major cause of women's... read more »

Ovulation Induction Can Help You Overcome Infertility

At Idaho Fertility Center, we are pleased to provide fertility treatments to help couples begin the family of their dreams. One of the ways we help couples increase their chances of conception is through timed intercourse – often referred to as ovulation induction or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. This is particularly helpful for a woman with ovulation disorders such as PCOS.... read more »

Are You a Woman Struggling With Infertility?

When it comes to infertility, our skilled reproductive endocrinologists at Idaho Fertility Center are here to help restore hope for those who are experiencing the pain of infertility. We have found that most types of infertility can be overcome. First, we must determine the cause of infertility as well as the barriers and then we can customize the treatment for... read more »