We Can Help You Win the Challenge Against Male Infertility

When it comes to infertility, most people equate it with a woman being unable to conceive. But men also experience infertility, in fact, more than one in three infertility situations involve male factor infertility, whether it's a low sperm count or another sperm limitation.  Often there are multiple factors that lead to infertility and all can be upsetting obstacles when... read more »

The Magic That Happens When a Sperm Meets an Egg and the Sparks Fly

If you are on a fertility journey to start or expand your family, you know how special it is when conception takes place. Did you know... -There are about 40 million to 1.2 billion sperm cells released with every ejaculation, yet only around 2 million of these persistent swimmers actually reach the cervix. According to https://www.livescience.com/32437-why-are-250-million-sperm-cells-released-during-sex.html -For the 2 million... read more »

How Male Factor Infertility Can Affect Conception

When it comes to fertility issues, one of the factors that often arises is male factor infertility. This involves issues around healthy sperm that can't reach or fertilize the egg. Male factor infertility can encompass problems with either the production of sperm or with the sperm reaching the egg. In fact, around 1/3 to 1/2 of infertility problems center around... read more »