Will My Pregnancy Loss, Affect My Fertility?

Pregnancy loss can happen to any woman. It is not uncommon for a woman to have two or more pregnancy losses in their lifetime, even if they've previously had normal pregnancies. Often, a woman is concerned if having a miscarriage(s) will affect her future fertility. Although miscarriage is different than infertility in the sense that pregnancy is occurring, both issues... read more »

Are You a Woman Struggling With Infertility?

When it comes to infertility, our skilled reproductive endocrinologists at Idaho Fertility Center are here to help restore hope for those who are experiencing the pain of infertility. We have found that most types of infertility can be overcome. First, we must determine the cause of infertility as well as the barriers and then we can customize the treatment for... read more »

Do You Have Questions About Gestational Surrogacy?

In our blog last month, we talked a little bit about surrogacy and briefly touched on gestational surrogacy. In this month's blog, we'd like to expand on this topic by answering some common questions that arise around gestational surrogacy. Q. What is gestational surrogacy? A. In this arrangement, the surrogate or gestational carrier isn't biologically related to the baby she... read more »

What You Need to Know About Genetic Testing Prior to IVF Treatment

If you are wanting to conceive and you or your partner have genetic factors that lead to infertility, you may want to undergo genetic testing. Genetic testing allows your DNA to be examined to figure out if your genetics is causing your infertility. From there our fertility specialist can help you determine which treatments can help you in your efforts to conceive.... read more »