We Can Help You Win the Challenge Against Male Infertility

When it comes to infertility, most people equate it with a woman being unable to conceive. But men also experience infertility, in fact, more than one in three infertility situations involve male factor infertility, whether it's a low sperm count or another sperm limitation.  Often there are multiple factors that lead to infertility and all can be upsetting obstacles when... read more »

What To Expect if You Are Preparing for a Frozen Embryo Transfer

If you are preparing for a frozen embryo transfer, or FET, you are in good company. The majority of transfers taking place at Idaho Fertility Center are Frozen Embryo Transfers. This process involves taking frozen embryos from a former IVF (in-vitro fertilization) treatment cycle and thawing the embryo(s) so it(they) can be implanted back into your uterus. Our team is... read more »

Will My Pregnancy Loss, Affect My Fertility?

Pregnancy loss can happen to any woman. It is not uncommon for a woman to have two or more pregnancy losses in their lifetime, even if they've previously had normal pregnancies. Often, a woman is concerned if having a miscarriage(s) will affect her future fertility. Although miscarriage is different than infertility in the sense that pregnancy is occurring, both issues... read more »

Join us in Honor National Infertility Awareness Week

Our infertility specialists at the Idaho Fertility Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho, along with the rest of our dedicated team work hard to make sure you receive the care you deserve as you travel the road to parenthood. We want you to know that you are not alone! Right now we are supporting and promoting National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW)... read more »

Fertility Acronyms to Help You on Your Journey to Parenthood

When it comes to your fertility journey, it is both unique to your personal situation while also being relatable to those who are on a similar journey. At the Idaho Fertility Center, the goal of our experienced and compassionate team is to make your experience as comfortable and informative as possible. You can rest assured that you are in good... read more »

Using Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation to Increase Fertility

As a woman, your eggs typically develop within fluid-filled cysts (or sacs) inside your ovaries known as follicles. During a normal menstrual cycle, a few follicles start to get bigger when you are getting your period, although usually only one or two of these eggs reach maturity. When that happens, the follicle ruptures and releases its egg during ovulation while... read more »

Preimplantation Testing Can Reveal At-Risk Embryos

If you are considering in vitro fertilization to help you realize your dream of having a family, there are two separate methods of preimplantation testing for embryos to be aware of.  Both provide helpful information about the embryos and may assist in planning for your transfer.  Risks of a specific genetic disorder in  the embryos can be revealed through preimplantation... read more »