Recognize National Infertility Awareness Week® With Us in April!

When it comes to conception, about 1-in-8 couples find themselves coping with infertility. We also now know that more than six million women have been diagnosed with infertility just in the U.S. As Infertility Awareness Week is in April, our Idaho Fertility Center team is excited to help clients working with us to achieve their conception goals. We want you... read more »

PCOS Awareness: Get the Help You Need for This Serious Medical Condition

For women living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) life can be challenging. A common medical condition, it can run in your family line and involves an imbalance in your hormones that affects your metabolism and reproductive system. Close to 7 million women around the United States have issues with PCOS. It is responsible for being the major cause of women's... read more »