Recognize National Infertility Awareness Week® With Us in April!

When it comes to conception, about 1-in-8 couples find themselves coping with infertility. We also now know that more than six million women have been diagnosed with infertility just in the U.S. As Infertility Awareness Week is in April, our Idaho Fertility Center team is excited to help clients working with us to achieve their conception goals. We want you... read more »

Will My Pregnancy Loss, Affect My Fertility?

Pregnancy loss can happen to any woman. It is not uncommon for a woman to have two or more pregnancy losses in their lifetime, even if they've previously had normal pregnancies. Often, a woman is concerned if having a miscarriage(s) will affect her future fertility. Although miscarriage is different than infertility in the sense that pregnancy is occurring, both issues... read more »