Let the Sunshine In: How Vitamin D and Sunlight Exposure Can Boost Fertility

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As more couples struggle with fertility issues, it’s important to understand the impact wellness has on fertility. One aspect of wellness that is often overlooked is the role of Vitamin D and sunlight exposure in fertility. Fortunately, spring is in the air and sunshine is too! Now is a good time to be mindful of getting enough sunlight and doing so safely.

Vitamin D and Fertility

Vitamin D is known for its role in calcium absorption and bone health, but it also plays an important role in reproductive health. Studies have shown that Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a higher risk of infertility, miscarriage and poor pregnancy outcomes. In fact, researchers have found that women with sufficient levels of Vitamin D are more likely to conceive and have successful pregnancies than those who are deficient in this vital element.

So, how does Vitamin D impact fertility? One theory is that Vitamin D helps regulate the hormones involved in reproduction, such as estrogen and progesterone. Not only that, but Vitamin D may play a role in the development and maturation of the eggs and sperm, which are essential for successful fertilization to take place. Not only that, but your vitamin D levels remain important throughout pregnancy too.

How Much Vitamin D?

But how can you ensure that you’re getting enough Vitamin D? One of the best ways to get Vitamin D is through sunlight exposure. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it produces Vitamin D3, the active form of Vitamin D. Still, it’s important to be careful about sun exposure and protect your skin from harmful UV rays as you are enjoying the outdoors.

To get enough Vitamin D from the sun, you’ll want to aim for about 10-15 minutes of midday sun exposure on your arms and legs several times a week. Just be sure to wear sunscreen after this brief exposure to prevent damage to your skin. You can also get Vitamin D from food sources such as fatty fish, egg yolks and fortified dairy products. However, it can still be difficult to get enough Vitamin D from food alone, especially if you have dietary restrictions or live in a northern latitude with limited sun exposure. In these cases, Vitamin D supplements may be valuable to ensure adequate levels.

Lifestyle Factors

Of course, when it comes to wellness and infertility, other lifestyle factors can impact your fertility. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, managing stress levels and avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol intake all work together to improve fertility outcomes. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to fertility, prioritizing wellness and taking steps to optimize your overall health goes a long way to increasing your chances of successful conception and pregnancy. 

Call Today!

As we head into the summer months, it’s vital that you safely seek the outdoors to get enough Vitamin D and sunlight exposure to boost your reproductive health and fertility. There’s no better time to talk to our reproductive health team about ways to optimize your fertility. Our Idaho Fertility Center team loves helping people get the fertility care they need to achieve their family building goals. We are here to help you achieve your dreams and goals of creating your family. Call 208-529-2019 to schedule a visit!