Great Pre-Conception Care Begins Before You Are Even Pregnant

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Are you considering having a baby? If so, now is the time to make a plan for what you can do to have a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby! Our fertility team is happy to help you with your pre-conception process. Depending on your unique needs, we can help you prepare for a successful outcome.

It’s never too early to prepare your body for pregnancy, even when it’s just a thought in the back of your mind. Making a plan and taking action now can make all the difference for your baby’s future. Preparing your body now is one of the best gifts you can give your unborn child!

Talk to your healthcare provider or our reproductive endocrinologist. You’ll want to discuss getting off birth control and about what you can do to get pregnant. You’ll want to go over your medical history, review any medical conditions you currently have and how they might impact your pregnancy, and what medications you are on. You also might need to have vaccinations to prevent potential birth defects.

-Health conditions: Now is the time to manage your medical issues like sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), diabetes, thyroid disease, high blood pressure or other chronic diseases.

-Lifestyle and behaviors: If you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs now is the time to get the counseling, treatment and other support services you need to give your baby the healthiest start possible.

-Medications: The medicines your take can potentially leave your baby with very serious birth defects. Whether you are taking prescription drugs like opioids, over-the-counter medications (OTC) or herbal supplements these can impact your baby.

-Vaccinations: Your baby can actually get some disease protection from your while you are pregnant. Having the flu, Tdap (tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis), and COVID-19 vaccines during your pregnancy creates protective antibodies (those proteins created by your body to fend off illnesses). Doing so allows you to pass on some of those antibodies to your unborn baby. These also keep your baby safer from those diseases after you give birth. Vaccines and Pregnancy: 8 Things You Need to Know.

-Start taking folic acid: Taking 400 Micrograms of folic acid daily gives your baby vital B vitamins. These protect your baby from birth defects in its brain and spine.

-Steer clear of alcohol, smoking and drug use: These harmful habits can cause premature birth, birth defects and even infant death. If you need help quitting, now is the time to seek help so your baby has the best chance at healthy development.

-Avoid toxic chemicals and environmental contaminants: Exposure to synthetic chemicals, metals, fertilizer, bug spray, and cat or rodent feces in the home or workplace can harm your reproductive system, making it harder to become pregnant and even lead to diseases. 

-Reach and keep a healthy weight: Complications during pregnancy can arise if you are currently overweight. You can end up with complications during your pregnancy or get heart disease, type 2 diabetes and endometrial, breast or colon cancer. Adjust your lifestyle to include healthy eating and consistent, physical movement.

-Know your family tree: Your extended family health history can impact your baby’s long-term health. Genetic counseling can help for miscarriage, infant death, infertility and a genetic condition or birth defect from a prior pregnancy.

-Improve your mental health: This is so vital as it impacts how you think, feel and act while coping with life’s challenges. You deserve to be at your best while trying to have children.

If you are ready to get pregnant, our caring and experienced Idaho Fertility Center team is here to help you on this momentous journey. We invite you to reach out to our office at 208-529-2019 to learn more or to schedule a consultation with our board-certified Reproductive Endocrinologists in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Your baby deserves the best care from conception to birth!

Article Sources:

Women’s preconception planning.

Learn about men’s preconception care.